Storytelling and Declaration Workshop with the Irish Wheelchair Association

Thu, July 14, 2022

11:30 - 13:00


Connecting to the vibrant network that is the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA), we will be hosting a number of ‘Storytelling and Declaration’ workshops in County Westmeath for IWA members. Gathering stories, histories, ‘how-to’ tips and motivations for repairing things, we will be capturing this community’s rich history of mending and fixing. All stories gathered will be uploaded to our website and will help build the “People Archive of Everyday Repair”. We will also be brainstorming how we can make Ireland more repair minded with ideas gathered contributing to our “Repair Declaration”.

This workshop is invite-only and brings together members of the Irish Wheelchair Association in Athlone.

Image credit: Peter H, Pixabay