Storytelling and Declaration Workshop
18:30 - 20:00
As part of Westmeath County Council Biodiversity Week we will be running a ‘Storytelling and Declaration” workshop at Athlone Library on Tuesday May 17th from 6.30-8pm.
Gathering stories and memories of local repair people, shops and services, your DIY repair adventures, to the tips your granny gave to keep something good, or the trouble you went to get your favourite boots, loved piece of furniture or family heirloom fixed. Come along and share your story about what you repaired and how you did it.
To the support the conversation, we will be asking you to bring a picture of something you repaired and or the object itself. All stories gathered will be uploaded our website and help build the “People’s Archive of Everyday Repair”. We will also be brainstorming how we can make Ireland more repair minded with ideas gathered contributing to our “Repair Declaration”.
The workshop is free to attend but registration is required via the link above.