Repair Acts, NO School
13:00 - 18:00
Fixing, repairing and maintaining objects is essential, even vital to everyday life. Our ‘Right to Repair’ the objects should be a necessary given as it empowers us to take care of our tools and things by demanding good design and addresses issues relating to planned obsoletism. Repairing things can support local economies and crafts persons and when we mend something, we love or care for it also contributes to our wellbeing and autonomy in the world.
On Thur, 13th July at part of NØ SCHOOL, we’ll be running an afternoon workshop, exploring languages and theories of repair and what it means to demand and place repair at the heart of tech design.
Founded in 2019 NØ SCHOOL is a unique international summer school, held in Nevers, in Burgundy, aimed at students, artists, designers, makers, hackers, activists and educators who wish to further their skills and engage in critical research around the social and environmental impacts of information and communication technologies. Each year, the programme provides students from across the world with the opportunity to spend two-weeks, working and learning side-by-side with peers and colleagues on individual as well as group projects. At the end of the two-weeks, a short exhibition and live performances of students and teachers work is showcased in the town.